Political Parties should genuinely address sovereign voter proposals at the APC – By Bernard Fernando

The ‘All Party Conference’ (APC) aimed at resolving our National issue has come to a grinding halt due to the stubbornness and ‘one -upmanship’ embedded in the DNA of our traditional Political parties. However, the country loving sovereign voters are confident that the reconciliation proceedings can be catalysed by addressing the following Electoral Reforms/System changes with a ‘win-win’ outlook.

1)Allocate seats to People’s Representatives using simple Proportionate arithmetic thereby ensuring ‘Equality of Vote’ as per UN Human Rights Declaration of 1948 and fostering ‘Sri Lankan ness’ in the process.

2) Ensure Quality of Peoples’ Representatives by applying a mandatory methodology based on Meritocracy using minimum eligibility criteria and a structured interview marking system applicable to all parties across the board.

3) Abolish existing Preference Voting (‘Manape’) and Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems together with ‘Cross-over’ provision. If really necessary, allow all parties to enter their nominees in merit order using any one choice from 03 District/Electorate lists captioned PR, FPP or Central-Pool as stipulated by the National Elections Commission (NEC).

4) Apply Proportionate Representation arithmetic to allocate Cabinet seats too, to further ensure ‘Sri Lankan ness’ through a sustainable National Cabinet.

5) Objectively, strengthen Provincial Councils (PCs) with more powers, if necessary, and rationalise the role of National MPs who are presently allocated with funds under the ‘Decentralised budget’ to protect their ‘Preference Vote Bank’ in the respective Districts. The abolition of ‘Preference Voting’ system will make such fund allocations redundant.

6) Depoliticise the Local Govt.(LG) level tier and allow one independent candidate selected by vote to represent each ‘Jana Sabha'(JS) proposed by the National Movement for Social Justice (NMSJ) at Grama Niladhari Division (GND) level. He/She shall be the JS representative/facilitator taking up their recommendations/issues with LG authorities at Divisional Secretary (DS) level. The elected JS Representatives will elect their respective ‘Pradeshiiya Sabha/Urban Council/ Municipal Council Office Bearers. The JS concept

encompasses people’s participation in ‘National Policy making’ too under a ‘Bottom -up’ approach. The establishment of ‘Jana Sabhas’ needs to be expedited towards this end.

7)Abolish Executive Presidency with effect from a specified date through a Referendum providing for the Election of a ‘Hybrid Governor General’ (HGG) from 3 candidates proposed by the Constitutional Council, with the vote of MPs and Provincial Council (PC) members. The appointed HGG will have additional powers to appoint Provincial Governors and through them ensure timely execution of Parliament approved Acts, Laws, Budgets and Programmes without red tape. To expedite the process and save costs, PC Elections and the Referendum can be held on one day.

Considering the genre of our current Political Parties in the Parliament, who are hell bent on grabbing power by hook or by crook, and the apathy shown by them towards ‘System changes’, it is evident that that the proposed ‘System changes’ pose a threat to their ‘Status –Quo’. Further, with the sheer inability of our corrupt ‘Party- system’ to abolish the politicized ‘Executive Presidency’ hanging fire for the last 30 years, the country loving citizens are utterly frustrated by the present Political culture. During the initial period of the historic,’Peaceful Aragalaya’ in April 2022, the writer’s article titled ‘ System changes prior to next general election to avoid further curse of the 225’, which appeared in the Press, inter alia recommended the following ‘System change’ being one among his comprehensive package of System changes that are being up dated since 2016 in keeping with the changing aspirations of the sovereign voters.

‘’Make ‘Executive President’ a ‘Non-Partisan-Statesman’ by calling for applications from ‘Independent’ Candidates, conforming to a robust set of eligibility criteria laid down under the respective Act.


1. i) An ‘Independent’ Executive President, will strengthen the proper functioning of the ‘3 Pillars’.

2. ii) It will make the 2nd preference in the ballot paper more meaningful and easier for the voter to select an alternate candidate.

iii) The presence of an independent ‘task master’ will ensure proper follow up and implementation of laws, budgets and programs proposed under the ‘Election Manifesto’ of the governing party as and when approved by the Parliament.

Alternate proposals arising from recent developments in the country.

1. i) Powers of Executive Presidency to be reduced by repealing the 20th amendment and removing other obnoxious clauses such as immunity from judicial review.

2. ii) 19th amendment to be restored with suitable modifications.

iii) In the alternative, Elected Executive Presidency to be substituted by a Ceremonial Presidency with additional powers to ensure Execution of the Laws and programmes in the ‘Election Manifesto’ of the Governing Party as and when approved by the Parliament and implementation

of approved Parliamentary and Decentralised Budgets through the Provincial Council. Administration system.’’

As we know i) and ii) above have since been implemented though not up to the desired level.


The present political scenario chronologically points to the Executive Presidential Election. However, to achieve the people’s wish to abolish the much despised Executive Presidency and replace it with the proposed HGG, firstly it is essential to hold the long delayed PC Elections and the relevant Referendum on one day without further delay because the votes of PC members are necessary to elect the HGG. It is very likely that the voters will give a resounding ‘Yes’ for the Referendum to abolish the Executive Presidency. When the due Presidential Election is held, in keeping with the provisions of the Referendum, the people will have to recall the failure of the current ‘Party system’ to abolish Executive Presidency for 30 years and judiciously vote for a suitable ‘Independent candidate’ who can be relied upon to abolish the current Executive Presidency and prioritise the passage of the aforesaid critical ‘System changes’ and other related and cost effective proposals of country loving Sovereign voters that have already appeared in the Press, before holding further Elections.

Finally, if our Country is fortunate to have a Parliament occupied by ‘Country first-Political Professionals’ and a ‘Hybrid Governor General’ as mentioned above, we can surely enjoy the fruits of true ‘Sri Lankan ness’, Peace and prosperity tempered with a massive cost saving bonuses arising from the repeal of Island-wide Presidential and politicized Local Govt. Elections.

If there is a will, there is a way ! ’’


Bernard Fernando,

Former Deputy General Manager-BOC Email: jbvfernando@yahoo.com

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