Colombo-KKS train operations to recommence in July


Train operations along the Northern Line between Colombo and Kankesanturai are expected to recommence in July.

Train operations along the Northern Railway line have been restricted to Anuradhapura since January due to the modernisation project of the railway line between Maho junction and Omanthai.

At present, the railway track between Anuradhapura and Vavuniya is being modernized leading to the restrictions.

The renovation project is being carried out under Indian assistance at a cost of USD 91 million.Minister of Transport Bandula Gunawardena meanwhile has said, the upgrade of the track between Anuradhapura and Omanthai is being carried out expeditiously.He said once completed, trains will be able to run at an average speed of 100m/h along the Northern Line.

Minister of Transport Bandula Gunawardena added the completion of the renovation work along the Northern Railway line will result in the journey time between Kankesanturai and Colombo reducing by around one hour and 30 minutes.

According to a senior spokesman of Sri Lanka Railways, renovations of the railway track between Anuradhapura and Vavuniya are expected to be completed in July.

Following the completion of the renovations, train operations between Colombo and Kankesanturai are scheduled to recommence on the 15th of July.


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