22 cashiers at Athurugiriya Interchange suspended

22 cashiers at the Athurugiriya Interchange have been suspended due to financial fraud amounting to millions of rupees.

According to the Road Development Authority Director General – Engineer Priyantha Suriyabandara, the financial fraud has taken place at the Athurugiriya Interchange located on the Outer Circular Expressway.

The suspensions had been done by the Deputy Director General of the RDA on the directive of the RDA Director General.

Preliminary investigations have revealed this fraud had been committed by taking advantage of the electricity crisis faced in Sri Lanka in 2020.

Investigations reveal that the financial fraud later continued to be carried out by disconnecting the power supply or by sneakily removing the power supply wire.

The cashiers are said to have suspended power so that CCTV cameras do not function and had received payments from motorists passing through the interchange, which they had taken for themselves.

It has been found that out of the 27 cashiers at the Athurugiriya Interchange 22 had engaged in the said financial fraud.

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