Who is the bigger challenge, AKD or Ranil? 9 Questions for SJB’s Harshana

Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Harshana Rajakaruna speaks to Newswire’s Kalani Kumarasinghe about rumored splits within the party, criticisms against their party leader and election preparations.

1. How are preparations going on for the election?

I think we are very confident and we are happy to have this election in the first place, because there were a number of barriers to having this election. Still there is. We have organized during the past few years, to the grassroots level. We have a very strong grassroots organization and we are looking forward to this election.

2. Speaking of barriers, what do you make of this IGP issue? What are your thoughts?

It’s very unfortunate that the Government can’t carry out the Supreme Court decision. It’s a huge issue for the sake of democracy, especially at this juncture where there is a presidential election going on. It is again creating an uneasy environment to hold an election. Also, people won’t have faith in this democratic manner.

3. If you say people don’t have faith in a democracy, how exactly is the SJB looking at winning those people back and restoring their faith?

First thing is we have to change this presidency, and this government. The main thing is that the incumbent president is not appointed by the people. There’s no people’s mandate. People rioted and threw away the Government and the President. Not only Gotabaya Rajapaksa. But Ranil Wickremsinghe came and took the same people back to their offices.

We need to have a President and a government with a people’s mandate. It’s very important that we have this election.

4. You’re confident that Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa is the person to do this?

100% confident. Not only him. He’s a person who is very capable, has the strength and he has a great team. I think it’s very important that SJB has the best team. With his genuine leadership, I think we are the ideal party and he is the ideal leader.

5. Is there any truth to comments that Mr. Premadasa is an authoritarian leader and he often takes his own decisions without consulting the party?

Absolutely not. He always consults the party. When he has to make decisions, he is a very democratic leader.

6. Then why are certain SJB seniors leaving? Why do they seem discontent at the moment? Is this a split within the SJB?

There’s no split at all. There’s just one person who has left. Not that he is a senior member of the Parliament, but he is the Chairman of the party. The reason is quite obvious that he wants to be the Presidential candidate. General Sarath Fonseka wants to be the candidate. That is the reason. And we as a party, have chosen our party leader Sajith Premadasa to be our candidate.

7. Are you hoping to announce any coalitions ahead of the elections, especially with minorities and groups from the North and East?

Of course. We are going to form our broader alliance on the 8th of August. We already have a group, and it’ll be the strongest and the broadest alliance.

I believe that most of the Sri Lankans, not only the Sinhalese, Muslims, most Sri Lankans will support Sajith Premadasa.

8. The President has repeatedly requested opposition parties to join him. Is there any possibility of that happening with the SJB?

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is already in alliance with Pohottuwa. Majority of the Pohottuwa members, who people have rejected, are with him. So there is no way that we can come to an alliance with those people. So we are quite happy with our party and the coalition parties. We have no intention of getting into any alliance with the current President.

9. Who presents a bigger challenge for the SJB at the moment, Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) or President Ranil Wickremesinghe?

I think even if both come together, we can win this election. We are pretty confident about it. I mean, we will not take it easy. But we will work hard and we will win this election.


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