Violence will not lead a country anywhere

Violence is all over the world all the time but the violence occurred in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh has some similarities and differences. We talk about violence today because violence will NOT take any country anywhere. Violence will only lead to anarchy and nothing else. We have to very carefully analyze violence when it comes wearing the mask of `struggle’ or `revolution’.

When people belonging to any country in the world, any nation, any religion or any culture are being killed by other people in broad daylight in their homes or elsewhere using fire, guns etc it becomes an issue because it is against humanity. The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas for “human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all the humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings humans often have for each other.

Humanity is a virtue linked with altruistic ethics derived from the human condition. It signifies human love and compassion towards each other. Humanity differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals included in humanity more so than in the fairness found in justice. Humanity refers to caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. It means helping others at times when they need that help the most. It is important as it helps us forget our selfish interests at times when others need our help. Humanity is the path to happiness. A person performing deeds with concern for humanity will be the happiest person on this planet. Serving people with humanitarian considerations provides a lot of satisfaction to a person’s life. The real happiness of a person is the result of inner satisfaction.

But the violence erupted here in Sri Lanka two years ago and the violence erupted in Bangladesh last week was not related to humanity in any way. Both incidents of violence killed people and those people were killed the worst way just like beasts. Here in Sri Lanka one parliamentarian was killed in broad daylight in the middle of a town by beating, shooting and torturing in the most barbaric way. Some others were also killed in the same time period in different locations. International media reported that around 50 people were burnt alive in Bangladesh during the violence and several others were injured. Disturbing visuals circulated in social media how some police officers were murdered and hanged in public (flyover) in Bangladesh.

Violence against human beings cannot be justified on any grounds. Violence is against humanity. People can be given the death penalty or people can be hanged or electrocuted legally but it can be done ONLY after a judicial process and delivering a judgment by the judiciary in a country. No human being can kill another according to his/her wish. If any human being kills another human being, the judiciary of that specific land will punish him/her and Mother Nature will deliver her judgment on the murderer at any time after committing the murder. This is the nature of this world where many religions are being practiced by people. Therefore justice will be done for sure for the victims either by the judiciary or Mother Nature or both.

A struggle is to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems. Violence is NOT required here because there are many other (maybe creative) ways to achieve the target. In the fields of history and political science, a revolution is a radical change in the established order, usually the established government and social institutions. But the latest trend reported from some countries in the recent past is using pure thugary to chase away legal democratic Leaders and Governments elected by the people of those countries using their universal franchise through democratic elections. This is the fact that needs to be focused by all who respect humanity, law and order.

If countries in the world, especially Sri Lanka and Bangladesh let this evil trend to continue, elements which cannot capture power in countries obtaining people’s mandate through democratic elections will be encouraged and they will recognize the trend as the most popular and easy `tactic’ to destroy democracy, peace and especially suppress innocent silent people’s mandates given through democratic elections using their universal franchise. This will be a pure violation of human rights of the majority of the people who express their will only through casting their votes during democratic elections.

The major part of the responsibility of saving people’s mandates given through democratic elections using their universal franchise goes to the heroic armed forces in those countries. Armed forces are the main defenders of democratically elected political leaders and their Governments. The second important defender should be the Intelligence Services of armed forces and the police of those countries. Any type of conspiracy can be defeated or controlled successfully if detected on time. The most important issue is addressing poll rigging instantly without any delay. No room should be left to create conspiracies based on `fabricated/falls election results’. If allegations of poll rigging left unattended it directly invites violence at a later stage in any country in the world.

Without analyzing thoroughly or without doing an in depth study what we see in violence erupted here in Sri Lanka two years ago and the violence erupted in Bangladesh last week is similar and different at the same time. In a nutshell it can be described as this. Here in Sri Lanka, less than one million people took part in violence and in Bangladesh it is several millions. The damages done for the human lives, state and private properties in the two countries differ due to the difference of these numbers (took part in violence).

The reason for Sri Lanka’s violence was the non availability of fuel, gas, electricity. The reason for violence erupted in Bangladesh demanding to reduce the total quota spots from the current 56 percent (30 percent is for the children and grandchildren of freedom fighters) to 10 percent. The reasons are very different from each other and there is no connection whatsoever between the reasons that led to violence in here in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Both reasons which led to violence in both countries look reasonable but at the same time it is strange !

In Sri Lanka, the democratically elected Leader and his democratically elected Government chased away using violence and the leader and his Government was elected with the Sri Lankan people’s mandate given through using universal franchise practiced during democratic elections held just two and half years prior to violence. There are NO reports on any poll rigging at all. The elections were peaceful and there were NO complaints against any election. In Bangladesh, foreign media reported that the elections held were controversial. Therefore what happened as a result of violence erupted in the two countries is totally different. What happened in Sri Lanka is not relevant at all to what happened in Bangladesh. The one and only similarity is both countries lost wealth and income generating avenues and it will take ages for a full recovery.

The Presidential Election in Sri Lanka will be held on September 21st and only five weeks are left. It is up to the Sri Lankan people to decide who will become the next (9th) President in Sri Lanka. The General Election of Sri Lanka is scheduled to be held before August in 2025 and NOT before that. Sri Lankan people will elect their representative once the Parliamentary Election is held next year. The current President or a new President can dissolve the Parliament at any time.

The current Parliamentarians had been sent to the Parliament by people to represent them and they have NOT come into the Parliament by force. Only a General Election tells people’s will. There is NO WAY of checking people’s will other than a General Election. No one, especially thugs can tell ‘this is people’s mandate’ pointing out various gatherings, meetings and views of people as individuals.

There are few important factors that all Sri Lankans should keep in their minds all the time. Hereafter Sri Lankan people should never allow a group of thugs to reverse an already granted people’s mandate using violence. Sri Lankan people mean 22 million and NOT less than that. One or few millions DO NOT mean 22 million. Once granted, people’s mandate can and should ONLY be reversed by people through their vote and NOT by thugs using violence. If any country or Government lets violence govern, it will be the end of humanity.


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