Sumeera Gunasekera 23 year old youngest invitee to the “Sihinayaki Re” born abnormal ,brought up in orphanages cries out seeking redress for elusive catastrophes confronted by all orphans including the disabled


“Sihinayaki Re”….is a very trendy television programme telecast on every Sunday night over the Sri Lanka Rupavahini channel for two hours or more beyond mid night which has a tremendous viewer enthusiasm  which reached the 300th program on the 13th February 2022 as an uninterrupted series program for around seven years. The guest is a predominantly a prominent personality, head of a government department, famous singer, actor, doctor. lyricist or it could be a successful reputed business magnate.But today was young Sumeera Gunasekera a deformed child born grown up in homes intends to disclose on elusive catastrophes confronted by all orphans and disabled not addressed by authorities.

The program is produced by Jayamini Illeperumagamlath and her team while the presenter is the skilled, acclaimed, accomplished, canny Mahesh Nissanka, who via his ability to pierce into the hearts of the guest has made the ‘Sihinayaki Re’ program spellbound and nail biting. The guest as many know has the option to choose 10 songs. The guest has to justify the reason for selecting each song of his selection. A lot of spade work necessitates to be pitched up by the creation team with the guest before the program , it is telecast mostly ‘live’. Owing to the incredible curiosity and enthusiasm shown by viewers locally and internationally ,with the participation of an audience consisting of around 275 viewers. The ‘Sihinayaki Re’ was already performed successfully programs for expatriates in Oman,London, Kingdom of Qatar , USA. Sydney and Melbourne states in Australia.

Sumeera Gunasekera with a deformity was the guest, the youngest at twenty three years old for the three hundred and second  popular ‘Sihinayaki Re’ program courtesy of Prime Group, The guest Sumeera was familiarised as a person who had brought up by himself will select ten songs of his choice appropriately related to incidents that had occurred In his life to date. The singing duo too was very young vocalists Pasindu Bomiriya and Ishini Avishka Bandara.

Mahesh Nissanka at the beginning asked Sumeera how to start. Sumeera added intelligently that it could commence in many ways.But as a germinating seed he recollected the invitation he received from a friend to his book launch and related the lines of a verse in that book.It had disclosed that when a wound dehiscence (perunama) it affects the person concerned which is one hundred percent to someone like him is not similar to many others.He then added he is seated here today in fulfilling a dream he had in his life to sit in this seat.This ambition is as he had a story to relate that was the prime need to occupy this seat.He added that the danger in having these dreams is obviously that the chances are remote in  making  many such dreams a reality.He added that likes to stir his past hurting himself ( thuwala karagena) to relate his story.. As he needs to talk about himself hence it would not relate to the presenter and others.Sumeera has had a huge dream to sit on this chair to relate history to the mass audience rousing his past (Mathaka).He wanted to reach his past the future and the present by viewing through a mirror.The presenter added that it is very clear on Sumeera’s intentions.

The program begun with a common musical jingle of a cradle song. When the presenter astute Mahesh Nissanka asked Sumeera what he felt he said many things coming to focus his mind on several personnel who had helped to reach this height, but one image what he saw he said was blurred. It was clarified as probably may have been his mother but he had been too tiny to recall her lullabies. When presenter asked from where to begin the dialogue Sumeera said he is not the only abnormal child also the only one to be brought up in orphanages, there are so many even with major deformities., but to miss parents when he was not used to breath in, and breath out is a question itself. But Sumeera had been looked after by a lady who is now old whose character is held in high esteem by Sumeera.He still salutes her would be watching the program said will elaborate more as the program progresses. Sumeera added that he lives today because of the sacrifice this lady made to bring him up. Sumeera added he dedicates his entire life to her for bringing him up.

Sumeera had been born to a young mother whose age was only fifteen years which Sumeera had discovered after reading a letter she had written. When she had left him. She had been very young fifteen years old in school playing about like other girls. His father after knowing he was a deformed baby while in the Balangoda Base  hospital on December 3rd year 1999, had deserted his mother whose whereabouts are also not known until today.According to a letter written by Sumeera’s  mother the father had also deserted him citing the reason he cannot give him a name as his son was born deformed. .Mother after bringing him up for two years had deserted him too handing him over to a children’s’ home without his birth certificate, Her whereabouts too unknown to date.Sumeera’s abnormality is that his right hand is only up to just beyond his elbow is a weak hand unable to make use of much.. Virtually he is handicapped with only one hand.Sumeera is not blaming his mother as she perhaps had opted to take the appropriate decision at that moment. Several people had blamed Sumeera for not been curious in searching his mother.He added that that there is a buried story which his does not want to unearth. He had said that he had not seen his mother it is only an imaginary picture that is etched in mind.There had been instances that perhaps a bit foolishly stands in front of a mirror portrays creating an imaginary photo of his mother. Thinks of the father also would have been shaped like him.The sister in the Church care had shown a photo of his mother giving it a value. Sumeera said there is a saying that the mother who brought him up is better than the mother who created him, but he has some doubt whether she still lives or not.

The first song he had selected he confessed it was dedicated to himself also as he likes Sunil Edirisinghe as a vocalist “Sadakalika Nowu Lokaye Sadakalika Premayak”.This song strikes him as every word has a meaning, he is a person who searches love and who lives within the passion. Every line in this song relates some coincidences to his life. Also about a girl he met later on life which unfortunately could not be pursued for more than two years. From the lyrics he remembers the lady who looked after him and in the second verse he remembers how he lived within his twenty three years life in homes, boardings, temples ,rehabilitation centres.He added cannot recollect a period he had lived at a place for a long length of time.He had gone all over in search of eternity but never found the love he anticipated. But he stressed that was thirsty for it. He said as he wished to listen to his program later on had selected this song been a bit selfish.Sumeera reiterated that his search for love continued nonstop  for intimacy.For a question raised by the presenter whether it was parental love or some other love. Sumeera added he  had received sufficient love and fondness from many like the lady who brought him up and other Nuns in  churches. When Sumeera added he is searching for that eluded love Mahesh asked whether it was his mother he was searching to which Sumeera said may be but he cannot remember her at all.  Sumeera says he get a number of sms messages to his in box about the mother, but nothing had proved fruitful. Many are just guessing trying to mislead and worry him.He stated the guest seat at the Sihinayaki Re has not been offered to a person of my stature meaning eminence as he only an orphan.. Getting the opportunity is a blessing in disguise to Sumeera but he promised to do justice to the position offered. Sumeera was full of admiration to Sister for bringing up.She is now ageing at 93 years old. However, as Sumeera had seen her very attractive when young feel sad about her present condition in life. Even  for  school’s parents day Sister used to come to school when some students were pessimistic to know whether Sister had children.

The second song Sumeera dedicated to Sister.”Mathakaya Asurin Sihiyata Gannata” of Indrani Perera which he was paying homage to sister amd all those who looked after and brought him up. Sumeera when inquired about his mother from the virgin sister it was added that she was fair, sweet, and small made having his features. Sumeera loves to recollect such memories of his mother and believes she had breast fed him.There had been several young children whose parents had deserted them. He quipped that no one had any hatred towards them.They are of the belief that owing to circumstances they faced may have made them orphans. Sumeera had been one among  the rest more talkative and intelligent condemns the saying that all criminals and drug distributors are orphans which is the accepted norm but Sumeera totally rejects that accusation as it is totally incorrect.. Sumeera has reiterated that he has a huge respect for the name’ AMMA’ .He affirms that he is very fortunate to have got the affection of many mothers who had fed him, cleaned faeces and his other commitments. He also believed that he may have been put to sleep to the tune of so many lullabies or cradle songs.In this context Sumeera considers there cannot be another child been so fortunate. This mother’s song Sumeera dedicates to all mothers in the planet. He confessed that he lives in an imaginary world living with his mother, drank her milk listened to her cradle songs which he enjoys believes in the word Amma very much as there is a lot to learn, it is swaying like.He believes he may have heard many cradle songs from many mothers in his orphanages.

The third song “ Boha Dura Ya hekei” sung by Chandana Liyanarachchi, Sumeera dedicates to a girl whom he had met and commenced a serious relationship ended two years ago after two years, but had to bring to a standstill owing to reasons spelt out by girl’s parents. Both Sumeera and the girl had been closely attached. He relates that the relationship had begun nicely and ended too in the same vein at the same venue at the Bodiya in a Buddhist temple. The first day he had met her had stroked her head when a few hairs had come out which Sumeera had preserved showed them kept safely as a souvenir. The duo had offered a ‘pen kale’ and vouched and then after two years had ended in the same pattern.The decision had been taken as the girl’s parents were not happy as Sumeera had a  deformity, has no parents also as he was following Christianity having been brought up in Church also how he reads the society is different .Sumeera believes to end a relationship one need not commit suicide, hang from a bar or jump on to a train. Sumeera says the manner two could end love affairs will teach some stories for many. Sumeera thinks his mother may have sent this girl to him to learn some lessons before maturity.The next song Sumeera dedicates to the girl with whom he has had a relationship, Chandana Liyanarchchi’s “Boho Dura Oba Ya yuthuya” a passionate wish to her. Sumeera’s suggestion to all who were unable to sustain their relationships need to express feelings through a poem.Sumeera confessed that the two are still attached to each other,the girl contacts Sumeera to resolve her problems seeking advice while they meet too.Presenter Mahesh questioned him to find how he could sacrifice so much even to advise on her new relationship. Sumeera as an example added the close relationship the Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus.He related how Jesus left his mother. Likewise Sumeera too is making sacrifices.He repents that she would have not confronted with these issues if she had been with him.Sumeera’s advise was to write a verse and scold him.

The next song selected by Sumeera was the song sung by Nanda Malini “Dasamasak Ma”.Sumeera quipped that when he observed some blanks in his birth certificate he was fuming.But later he had got convinced that there are more catastrophes in many peoples life than the defect on his birth certificate which was considered a minor incidence. Sumeera had affirmed that according to his mother she had left him in the children’s home and told she will bring his birth certificate which she never brought or seen later. Sumeera’s advice for all parents is to be well equipped before bringing of a child is thought of, which means all needs of the child to be born need to be prepared that is to make him strong before been sent to the society. Sumeera believes he had been pushed to the orphanage by his mother as his future would be secure. Presenter asked how he got the name Gunasekera which had been


Sumeera conveyed that when a child is handed over to a home in a different district which is a law. He quipped that a birth certificate  is essential for applying for an identity card and other matters .Sumeera added he had come to occupy the seat not to represent himself but to cry for the Children in homes and those in the deformed sector.After passing eighteen years they face constraints in entering to seniors life.The entire  children population  in homes there had been many injustices they had to face. To navigate over them.He related a story of a pregnant mother in the prison.The child had been born in the prison , the place of birth had to be stated as prison.One student had to face a situation after coming third in the university entrance stating she has no permanent residency status. Sumeera  pointed out one girl was deprived of entering university as she had no permanent address.Sumeera had personally taken this girl  when she had come third in the district in her second shy,Sumeera had even accompanied her to the University grants commission but had been of no avail .Most children in homes are transferred to other homes after some period ,this experience Sumeera too had faced.The student from Kurunegala had brought a grama sevaka certificate from kegalle..The authorities had questioned why this discrepancy. So after eighteen years they become puzzled and mystified about the individual future of them .After eighteen years no child is allowed to remain but discharged to the society. The birth certificate is vital to Sumeera the They are new to the surrounding as they had not travelled much other than from the orphanage to school and back. He quipped that he had come to this program to speak on behalf of the entire community of orphans and disabled was hoping as a government channel would give attention to the problems faced by orphans. Sumeera said he is representing all and speaking to the national television for authorities to understand the constraints faced a large cross section of the community which he is representing. Luckily for him the ‘Mariya Mathawa’ had gone to courts had resolved his issues like name in the birth certicate sans any conflicts. He made a plea to the related authorities to have a separate system to be formulated.This was a plea from Sumeera to rescue all who leave children’s homes..The presenter Mahesh Nissanka was speechless on hearing this misfortune could be termed as a calamity, did say that the authorities would intervene as this programs is watched by millions locally and internationally. Through these series of programs many such issues brought to light and resolved.

The next song selected was that of late Visharada Neela Wickremasinghe’s song” Bodhiya Viharaye” .Sumeera says the entire lyrics of the song are scattered on his mother’s catastrophe. He reiterated that before a child is planned there are so many issues to be faced are sorted out should be thought of at least a thousand times.This songs hurts Sumeera uttered when listening to the lyrics.  This song had been a demanding ringing tone, too according to Sumeera This song hurts the feelings of the children in homes is heard several times perhaps on a daily basis.

The next song selected was of vocalist Sunil Edirisinghe “Issara man giya pasela arila” reminiscing the beauty of the village observed going to school from the children’s home. Sumeera had attended the village schools and also international schools. Once he was transferred to a school in Kurunegala where the village beauty was well demonstrated. The school was Ibbagamuwa Hangamuwa Maha Vidyalaya.Sumeera took the opportunity to recollect the teachers and all male and female students. Though he was tempted to climb trees to pluck fruits he was reluctant as the school uniform would get dirty as the mothers in homes were particular about keeping the school uniforms in trim condition as also, he was provided with a solitary uniform for a year.  He believes he remembers people not by names but by the places they lived or what they perhaps did ,for instance Sumeera said when one talks of “Sihinayaki Re”. what comes to mind is the name of  Mahesh Nissanka.The two brothers who brought mangoes to school, he addressed them as ‘Amba Malli” and Amba Aiya” lived in a large estate looked after by father and mother,but strangely the duo  was forgotten after the mango season. The duo used to come to school with ‘Gotamba’ stains on their school uniforms .They used to bring mangoes to the teachers. As Sumeera was the elder brother “ Amba Aiya’ ‘s friend he too was given mangoes.The duo had more knowledge on agriculture than the master in charge was Sumeera’s assessing. .Sumeera added the strange thing is that the brother duo were not at all intelligent were classified as non-intelligent not studying called ‘Nasarani”  brothers who were punished often in class..Sumeera was inquisitive to know whether the two were looking after the mango plantations or qualified and occupying some responsible positions in society. He said he could have gone to locate them if the names of the two were known. Sumeera enjoyed the walking journey to school passing the amazing flora.  The lyrics of the songs depicts the existence of  birds, vegetation, with it  the pleasant environment. At this juncture presenter Mahesh Nissanka requested to narrate his telephone number as many such issues could be resolved, Sumeera telephone number was spelt out he added would become useful for many to locate him. Mahesh interrupted and said if Sumeera’s mother calls what he would do, he said will ask for her location and sprint there to meet her.It was the same feeling and the action he would take if the father called,  he stressed. Sumeera said even the previous night someone given him an “Arthel” saying Amma is on line.He believed someone was ‘biting’ him. Sumeera said he has a distinct manner in identifying him the guy without the hand. Before the next song Mahesh asked him whether he repented for his deformed hand.Sumeera said of course yes as sometimes he goes in front of a mirror to confirm to self that if the hand was intact he would have been a smarter person though still looks smart at present.At that moment he affirmed he has many plastic hands, said he came sans them as he wanted to display he was a handicapped person. Sumeera had preferred to be his usual self without artificial gear to be very honest. Sumeera said he has many hands wear them as he wishes, in that sense he added he is more accomplished than Mahesh with more hands of course in a much lighter vein but then he would be fake.When small he had been nicknamed as ‘atha kota’ ‘abba gathaya”.”asaranaya”,”amma nethi eka” etc but now it is not a concern at all to Sumeera. What he believes now to remember him as Sumeera on what he is and on what he preaches. “Atha Kota could be my nick name for which he has no concern. Mahesh said that would happen tomorrow morning as so many viewers would confirm having heard of his abilities.

The next song selected was “Wana sewpawan” sung by Chandralekha Perera.This song had been selected on behalf of all persons who had helped him through the years He recollected among many people namely Honourable Fr Jeevantha  Peiris who wished me to do well  before  he left and then his friends Charith Aiya and Shehan Aiya who are small people the former gave me this shirt to wear. They are not rich but have a story to tell.There are many like them who have within characters like ‘Devivaru’ like Mahesh too who has inside a ‘Deviyek’. He added they are small people having no money but they have fine thoughts. After the song Mahesh questioned Ishini Avishka whether been a Buddhis. Christian, Hindu.Malay race or religion is a barrier to a marriage to which she said no for true love as they have come to conclusion about their understanding and qualities, other family issues. Mahesh asked whether she has proof she said she is already a lover had already understood each other. As her father a retired warrant officer in the Air Force asked about who are born deformed when finding a partner. She believes there is no barrier as such to them too.Mahesh asked as her father is also a Airforce officer who took part in the cruel war would he allow you to marry an ex-servicemen  who is deformed. To which Ishini added it is not relevant to her as she has already found her partner.

After a break before the seventh song Mahesh quipped that there are many questions, he wanted to ask Sumeera but as this is a reputed media, he was reluctant to ask some of them that too edited questions would be asked. Mahesh asked how Sumeera thrives to live, he added he works for a reputed institution in which he is the ‘brand ambassador’ as well the only deformed and youngest such ambassador in the annals of our history. In addition, studies to be a draftsman engineer in a reputed institution also  very eager to enter the media field is under studying. When Mahesh asked what areas in the media field would you like to touch, Sumeera added he initially investigated the internet then touched the newspapers and the social media platforms. He also stressed the importance of working in a radio channel to get rid of the fear of talking though a microphone. Thereafter he intends coming to the television which is his ultimate dream to show his face in television, has a deep thinking to see a deformed person reading news. Sumeera challenged Mahesh that to be a complete person does one has to possess all parts of the body like hands legs etc.In this context Sumeera boldly said he wants to break this belief. He further stressed that we could do even Mahesh’s role according to one’s own pattern and inimitable style. Sumeera added he had targets had already touched many dreams. Sumeera vouched that he would very soon make his dreams come true that he would occuply a major position in a famous television channle in Sri lanka to which Mahesh wished him shaking hands.He had triumphed over these dreams with the aid of his mates around him.He quipped that he had dreamt many dreams even the manner Mahesh presents this famous program .Sumeera was confident that in the near future he would show his success for sure ,vouched for it.The next song the eighth was “Pandarin Iskoleta” sung by Harshana Dissanayake. Sumeera had selected this song how the small child feels for the Bullock ( Bull) who drives in the bullock cart for the small child to school.He adds that he does not hope to hurt the Bull at all promises to look after him after his scooling..After this song Mahesh commented about the importance of cattle for agriculture. A great novel had been published in India termed ‘Gora’ translated to Sinhalese should be useful to all of us.Mahesh added that a Indian author Prem Shant had authored a book ‘Godanya” where the usefullness of cattle are emphasized.This book had been translated to Sinhalese which is available for many to read.

The next song was ‘Gilem Obe Guna sung by WD Amaradewa. It is the view of many that all people do have busy lives not having time to relax. Sumeera advised all to relax at a ‘Bo Maluwa’ of a Bodhiya. which all need to get used to at least once a month which is vital for all. Sumeera has the habit of sitting on the sand in the vicinity of a Bo tree in a temple where there is pin drop silence particularly after dusk. Once was reading the bible which was seen by a young seminarian monk who had added ‘Ha Bibelayak’. Sumeera advised to go to the ‘Bo Maluwa’ at about ten pm to relax.The results one could derive  would be ideal to many to derive benefits to unprecedented heights.

The last song selected by Sumeera Gunasekera was ‘Pansale Palliye’ sung by Edward Jayakody and Charitha Priyadarshini Pieris.. He addressed the audience representing his generation of deformed personnel and children were brought up in orphanages.He added that there was a proud history in the past.But this proud history had not been restored hence youngstares leave the country with intentions not to return. This is a very unfortunate situation where many are pondering with a bleak future predicted. He added that after seven decades of Independence the progress is not at all favourable, there are always sad stories like murders ,strikes, accidents, deaths shown in the media with no one taking responsibility saying not mine  palming the blame to another while people faced with many constraints many trying to migrate not to return back.Daily the problems are aggravating no one seems to take responsibility each person palms the responsibility to others. Nevertheless advice of Sumeera is for every young person in his  generation is to endeavour to do something to our country to be patriotic to act as a cohesive unit..

This episode of Sumeera Gunasekera  perhaps as the youngest person to occupy this vital seat as guest was very useful to people of all ages.The writer is domiciled in Brisbane who is a huge fan of “Sihinayaki Re”.As the program was watched was adamant volanteeered to write about the program to publish in my BLOG

Sunil Thenabadu e mail WhatsApp 0061444533242





























































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