Live broadcasting is unpredictable as anything could happen to derail the program, an angry caller, technical issues, guests been incorporative, in all instances the thinking cap should be worn without becoming panic. As an actor one should possess attractiveness , charm that inspires audiences, hard work, commitment, and confidence of course a performer needs to be energetic, expressive, motivated and charismatic. All these characteristics Kavinga Perera possesses and adhered to be the flawless presenter and actor he is.

Born in Negombo as Kirella Gurunnaselage Kavinga Namal Perera on 12th March 1984, the family consisted of only a younger sister apart from parents,father had been actively involved in politics which Kavinga dislikes ,has no clue even to follow..Kavinga had been fondly called Namal at home has had his education for thirteen long years at the prestigious DSSenanayake College Borella.Kavinga had been an active member of drama society participating in Shakespeare and Sinhala dramas , an acting member of schools drama unit.He had been the secretary of about eighteen societies in school hence had been a very sought after widespread student.He had been a staunch old boy who never misses any College functions like ‘ DS Walks’, big matches etc. Though Kavinga was involved in many fields of art the influence had not been owing to any hereditary affiliations, but essentially his innate talent possessed to abundant proportions.

In year 2003 Kavinga had completed his ordinary levels pending results he had voluntarily found a job at McDonald’s Bambalapitiya as he wanted to earn for himself to meet his expenses.One day the job had to be terminated abruptly as his father had visited the Mcdonald’s outlet to consume a bun.he had been furious though he liked Kavinga’s thinking of earning money himself for his expenses.. After completing Advanced Level Kavinga had wanted to join the Royal Ceylon Air Force which was haunting in him for sometime.But as it was at the height of the civil war when many were absorbed to the forces but mother had not consented,Then Kavinga had wanted to join a overseas teaching school to become an aircraft engineer which too had proved futile.

In this scenario he had opted to take up an appointment in certain television channel as a presenter where he suited in.It was during his tenure as a presenter he got the opportunity to portray a role in “Api Ape Wage” teledrama.At this point Kavinga had realised that he needed to learn more about acting if was to pursue as a career.On the advice and insistence of legendary actor Sriyantha Mendis he had attended a three month course in acting participating in workshops in Germany. Since becoming a more mature actor he started to get more and more teledramas.Kavinga regrets not been invited to any awards ceremonies as he was keen on attending to applaud the colleague artistes. He had quipped that only after seen his performance he and four other actors who acted in Susila Productions “Api Api Wage”teldrama were invited for a Sumathi awards ceremony but not hitherto invited.However for Kavinga’s portrayal of roles in other tele dramas he had been on three successive award ceremonies had been adjudicated as the “most popular actor’ in years  2016, 2017 and 2018.. He has affirmed that for the last two awards his colleagues at the ‘alma mater” DS Senanayake College present and past had extended an unimaginable support for his triumph.It has been affirmed that some jealous elements not allowing to elevate his standing had spread rumours that Kavinga had amplified his charges after been elected as the ‘most popular actor’ which Kavinga refutes totally as done by jealous elements to prevent his popularity skyrocketing. Kavinga regrets as the producers and directors had not discussed these terms with him.

Kavinga had quipped that he had not acted in a cluster of Teles but only about fifteen as he could recollect mostly in supporting roles which had propelled the popularity of many of them as he had portrayed the main role.In the tele drama “Uthum Pathum” which consisted of six hundred episodes had affirmed had participated in each episode which was something that need to be applauded.Kavinga had acknowledged that he had tried to be punctual in attendance contributed to his roles with dedication extending the highest cooperation with colleague actors.Kavinga had revealed that he is firm believer of Buddha saying “Diththa Karma Veda Karmaya” hence he is very careful in his dealings at shooting also with subordinate artistes extending his fullest cooperation at all times.

Kavinga’s father had been diagnosed with ‘cancer’ following non-alcoholic cirrhosis very unfortunately as he had been a teetotaller. It has been said that father had become a vegetarian suddenly had started eating non organic food like ‘gotu kola’ in massive quantities.Kavinga believes his cancer was caused owing to this change in his menus. Kavinga still regrets believing his father died owing to his carelessness as he had neglected him in his initial stages of his terminating illness..He had affirmed that this issue haunts him something he cannot forget. He had uttered that his father’s elder brother had scolded him as it was he who was responsible for father’s death which had upset him shedding tears, when mother had intervened taking his side,

In year 2014 Kavinga had left to a New York film academy to enhance his competence in acting He has a strong feeling that an actor needs to study the subject as it is an elaborate medium. He regretted that Sri Lanka has hitherto failed to commence a school to learn drama .He had added that there are many who skyrockets to fame overnight and then abruptly falls to zero sans studying about acting deeply..During his tenure he had been coming and going often to attend to shooting for roles he had undertaken singed and agreed to portray. During his tenure he had heard the hurting news that mother had too acquired the dreaded cancer decease .She had been diagnosed as cancer in the brain.Kavinga during his stint in New York had time to time sent nutritious  food to mother and sister,After his return abandoning his course in acting he had channelled a Oncologist. When he said mother would live only for another six months Kavinga had got a shock had descended to his knees.At this juncture he had told his sister to resign from her job that he will support family expenses also for mother’s drugs. Kavinga has an obsession that he should be involved in many fields concurrently earning small sums. Kavinga had been involved in small projects like working in production houses, like West, events ,event planning, coordinator and even  owing an event planning Company. Had organized the Miss Sri Lanka for Miss World on two occasions.The employees in the event planning company have accused Kavinga of not taking interest in improving the activities of the enterprise.After six months tragedy struck his family as at the end of the period the consultant had predicted mother;s death sister had called him at office had said mother is serious is short of breadth. He had called an ambulance and admitted her but had succumbed to death before long.Kavinga had quipped that father had spent all his money for his unsuccessful political career hence it was he who had to spend on both funerals.During this period Kavinga had already met his fiancé’ Sanaya a lady doctor origin from Kurunegala had spent most of her life abroad father been a medical doctor himself.They had attended the funeral but before long his intended father in law too had been diagnosed with cancer who like his father Lal Perera had become a vegetarian after been robust and hearty prior to  acquiring the dreaded cancer.Kavinga believes the cause would have been for certain in consuming non organic food containing poison.Kavinga had confessed that as he could not do much for his parents when laid down with dreaded cancer he should give his intended father in law whatever assistance.It is reliably learnt that for six consecutive months he had stayed the night at the hospital sleeping in spells under his bed.He used to get up early had a wash in a separate toilet reserved for his intended father in law as he was also a doctor leave for shooting at which tine mother in law used to relieve him.

Kavinga at this moment in time got a post as free lance announcer at Hiru Television which he had willingly accepted as he could look after his mother during her last days.To date Kavinga is presenting the very popular Sunday program ‘Copy Chat” which he has performed to precision winning the hearts of the audiences..Kavinga duetting with Dinukshi Priyasad had successfully presented the popular program ‘Hiru Mega Dance’. This post of free-lance announcer at the Hiru TV to date had been misinterpreted by many in the acting arena mostly jealous personnel saying Kavinga has been offered a POST with recognition for a huge remuneration package, hence he does not want to accept invitations for acting.But Kavinga had declined these counterfeit information. He pleads to producers and directors to meet him personally for any dialogue confirming his available for negotiation. Before the Covid-19 catastrophe Kavinga had signed for three tele dramas the shooting in one had commenced been continued at present. In this context Kavinga is keen to expose his present position and availability to the public.

It is now over two years Kavinga and Sanaya tied the nuptial knot, Kavinga regrets as for both weddings his and sisters had taken place sans  parents. Kavinga in real life is an easy relaxed person who tend to succumb in some situations which his doctor wife Sanaya had detected . In a recent television interview Kavinga had disclosed many of  his small imperfections and susceptibilities have been rectified.by Sanaya. In this scenario Kavinga had added his wife is very knowledgeable and looks after him in a similar manner as his mother looked after him.At this television dialogue had confessed that the attire  was even selected by her.The duo have an understanding though she is busy with her medical profession at all times when time permits she attends to domestic work.Kavinga had quipped that he attends to most of the domestic work including his personal issues like washing clothes etc.During the same interview Kavinga had said he is not in any Face Book activity but some are impersonating for him and even bluffed some to earn money.

In the context of the above the future of Kavinga is assured to blossom to unprecedented high ebb particularly as Kavinga is still young at thirty four years old.It has been proved that he has talent in abundance in the selected fields of television broadcasting and acting..

Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane e mail sthenabadu@hotmail.com WhatsApp 0061444533242








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