All reputed announcers should possess skills and abilities in abundance able to interconnect visibly. Should be able to syndicate several fragments of material and draw conclusions. Should concentrate without been distracted while performing a task. Those people who are identified by the voice and his manner of speech should be regarded as lucky. Such a unconquered legend in the radio and television hosting for over five decades is Dr Dharmasri Wickremasinghe triumphed through his own innate skills and aptitudes without any hereditary affiliations.

When he was young about thirteen years old he had listened to the Radio Ceylon channels  from the large radio they have had at their dwelling .He had wondered how these voices penetrate out and emerge.Later as he matured he had been able to come to a conclusion that it is broadcast from a some radio station. It had etched rigidly in his mind that one day he should become an announcer. Dharmasri when young had noticed the talents of stalwarts like Karunaratne Abeysekera who had been his idol which all his family members had known. He had been thrilled the spectacular fashion how Prosper Fernando had been announcing. The manner Karunaratne Abeysekera announced hypnotizing the audiences was beyond belief. The impetus he received by listening to these accomplished announcers had enticed young Dharmasri to unprecedented high levels to become an announcer himself..

On an official visit to the United Kingdom Karunaratne Abyesekera had visited our Ceylon Tea Centre where Dharmasiri’s elder sister had been the receptionist. Having identified this colossal personality his sister Amara had told Karunaratne Abeysekera that his brother Dharmasri is a keen follower of his and he is simply ’mad’. He had told Amara to tell him to come and see him. One day as a Nalandian Dharmasiri had gone to witness a Nalanda College cricket match.At the pavilion he had seen this colossal personality and introduced himself .He had invited him to the canteen to have a refreshment, when he had asked Dharmasri what he could do for him. During that time Dharmasri had been contributing regularly letters to the “Lama Pitiya” and “Sarasavi Mandapaya” steered by the giant announcer Karunaratne Abeysekera. Dharmasri had wanted him to include him to the “Sarasavi Mandapaya” live program on Sundays.He had declined his request as there were many already some in excess also. As Dharmasri could not resist the temptation he had visited Radio Ceylon on Sunday to view the live program.He had been standing in a corner was seen by the legendary Karunaratne Abeysekera who during a break when a song was been sung had given him a piece of paper with some names to be read.He had said to the others present this is Dharmasiri Wickremasinghe Malli from Nugegoda who sends to us letters uninterruptedly to “Sarasaviya Mandapaya” and “Lama Pitiya”.This was a real coincidence and quirk  for Dharmasri who had taken a good breadth. seizing the opportunity had proclaimed the names as a professional. Karunaratne Abeysekera had been so impressed stunned and dumfounded had requested him to come every Sunday for the program for which he was priorly clamoring to participate. This is the beginning of the path of Dharmasri’s spectacular prolonged career as  a radio and television host that spanned for over five decades.

Dharmasri had joined the Radio Ceylon in year 1967 as a relief announcer predominantly through his innate talent brimming with confidence and enthusiasm. At that time the Radio Ceylon was the solitary broadcasting station in the country considered a very prestigious institution. In that era the announcers were all prominent well versed known to be competent stalwarts in the field. At that time, it was the cream who hosted programs.All had made their names in the profession whose names are still etched in the minds of listeners.There were Sarath Wimalaweera,,Karunaratne Abeysekera,Chitrananda Abeysekera,Cyril Rajapaksa  attached to the national service while the commercial service were the other heavyweight stalwarts like Gunathunga K Liyanage.Lalith S Maithripala,Chandra Weimann.Dharmasri had lamented that when he saw these stalwarts he was a bit worried and nervous  as without experience how he was to get accustomed to the environment.But soon this worry had vanished as the seniors were ever willing to correct his mistakes which was a real morale booster for young Dharmasri.He is really appreciative of the correct grooming that was given to him.Dharmasri had uttered that he was able to navigate over the nervous beginnings without his leg been pulled up.At a recent television interview Dharmasri had lamented that the present day media men were very much different who never like to see good work and victories of announcers which they desist. Once Dharmasri had quipped that the SLBC is presently well known as “Blade Sansthawa” not Guwanwiduli Sansthawa as there are so many “Kepili Ketali”.It was added that if one was able to work in such an environment he could easily stay happy in “hell”.It was added after fifty years’ service in this field that barring just a solitary person he could not nominate anyone as a true friend, the environment was that not appreciating the good work.

The hall mark of Dharmasiri’s success as a announcer he had admitted that as he possesses a bass deep voice which is also heavy was well accepted by varied audiences when announcing on stage.Dharmasri recollects  having joined as a relief announcer he had been privileged to have been entrusted to perform many programs even before he was confirmed in his appointment,he had been  confirmed in year 1971.Dhamasri recollects that he had been given seventeen programs in the commercial service of the SLBC  for a week  which works out to gigantic number for a month Hence he has had a lot of contacts with  a number of clienteles. Naturally there was jealousy from many  for his massive popularity. Because of this a rule came into SLBC not to allow one person to dominate in many programs .Dharmasri had presented programs like “Anton Wasanawa Udawa” , ‘Owe Ne Be” to name a few after the restriction rule came in.

In the latter part of the 1970 decade HR Jothipala had sent him a message to meet him  proposing Dharmasri to be the presenter of his inaugural “jothi Rathriya” At that time Jothipala was the most popular singer but he even did not know he could draw crowds for a one man show like “Jothi Rathriya”.The first show in Ratnapura town hall was compered by Dharmasri  at which place  the crowds could not be controlled who tried to enter breaking doors and windows.That night Dharmasiri ,Ajantha Ranasinghe had met Jothi at dinner in the rest house.When Ajantha had inquired why he did not commence this solo recital much earlier Jothi had quipped that even had not known that he could draw such crowds From that day it had been Dharmasri who had compered all “Jothi Rathriya” on weekends , week days island wide and later in overseas countries.

Dharmasri had authored a few novels,written lyrics for songs which he had not prolonged to which he gave reasons .After writing lyrics for some songs purely for passion like ‘nadeeshani”,”sihiwatanaya se” a rule had come into affect after a petition sent to Thevis Guruge that announcers to be forbidden in writing lyrics. During that tenure announcers like Dharmasri himself Rathna Lanka Abywickream, Kusum Pieris also did write lyrics for songs When this rule was implemented Dharmasri had lost the enthusiasm and impetus to pen lyrics which was previously made purely for passion. Among the two books one was “JayaSri man Dharmasri” about his experiences in the 38 years’ service at the SLBC with the help of his wife Chandra who was also an employee at SLBC.

After his tenure at SLBC had joined ITN when Thevis Guruge was at the helm.Here too he was entrusted to conduct commercial programs one of which was ‘Wasana Hatha” for sea street ‘Nithyakala’ jewelers’. Thereafter seven other jewelry shops in Sea street were clamoring to conduct programs for them Once Thevis Guruge had called and told you are very popular but take it from me that you will lose your popularity very soon.When he asked why Sir? He had said looking at your face often they will soon hate to see your face.He had told keeping one or two programs distribute the others to your friends.In ITN he had conducted children’s’ program “Daintee Rasa Pena”.He also recollected the program in ITN, also conducted at the SLBC  the very popular program “OWE NE BE”.The regulations were that for two minutes the contestant needs to talk to Dharmasri , cannot say “Owe Ne Be” ,one word cannot be said three times, cannot reply from reflections, cannot answer in one word. This was a very popular and interesting program accepted by many viewers which was a Dharmasri exclusive.

Dharmasri had quipped that the current announcing culture has changed dramatically having observed himself, which also  he had read through newspaper articles written by JB Dissanayake and Preneeth Abeysundara experts on Sinhalese language. After the new channels both radio and television came into existence the Sinhalese language was ‘killed”. using words not Sinhalese or English naming them as Singlish. As a person with so much experience groomed under so many stalwarts had thought he should rectify this .In year 2004  had commenced a workshop on announcing, not money oriented to direct the new comer announcers the precise path.These  workshop classes were held thrice a year for those above 13 years to about 35 years range which he is been continued to date.Dharmasri had been thrilled to see many trained by him  are occupying high positions in various radio and television channels.

During the latter part of his SLBC career Dharmasri had entered the film industry producing and directing many films,Malsara Doni in 1992 as producer, Hiru Sandu Hamuwe in 1996 ,producer also script,Sathutai Kirula Ape in 1998 producer, Seetha re in 1999 director/producer,Thisaravi in 2000 director/producer.In 1989 he had acted in the film Obata Rahasak,.It is leant reliably that Dharmasri had produced films to allow daughter Uresha Ravihari to be made popular as a playback singer .This had been a very successful venture as she is now the number one film playback vocalist.

When SLBC completed seventy years in existence a President’s award ceremony was held in year 1995, At this Dharmasri was awarded the most popular Sinhalese announcer received from the chief guest Minister of Cultural affairs and mass media Dharmasiri Senanayake.Then in year 1997 outside the SLBC an awards ceremony “Rasa Sammana ‘awards ceremony” was organized for all announcers’ actors’ singers etc at which was awarded the best and popular announcer award.


Dharmasri and Chandra Wickremasinge duo are blessed with a daughter and a son.Daughter Yuresha ravihari has a sone nine years old while son Navod Dhanushka is an Australian citizen domiciled in Melbourne the duo are blessed with two younger sons which according to Dharmasri are in continuous touch daily through which the duo enjoys very much.Uresha has one son younger son Navod Dhanushka an Austrailan citizen has two sons

From the above it could be concluded that Dr Dharmasri Wickremasinghe is one of the most consistent announcers both radio and television capturing the hearts of millions of listeners and viewers.He could be named a legend in the announcing trade having dominated in music concerts too.


Sunil Thenabadu e mail sthenabadu@hotmail.com WhatsApp www.info-rain.com






























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