Namal speaks about Sri Lanka protests : Makes request from President


Former Minister Namal Rajapaksa said he understands why people are angry with the government. However, he has cautioned that now is not only the time for anger, but for solutions too.

According to Namal, the President and the government should have been more open and vocal about their plans for the country. “One of the biggest accusations we have is that we don’t inform people — which I agree with,

In an interview with ThePrint, Namal, the former minister of youth and sports, talked about the need for systemic change in Sri Lanka. According to him, progressive leadership is held back by an outdated administrative system, and plenty of red tape.Accepting that the Gotabaya Rajapaksa administration hasn’t been as transparent as required — and that the current silence from the President isn’t helping the situation — Namal said the “President should address the nation and tell them about his plans”.

He also said that Basil Rajapaksa, the sacked former finance minister and another of his uncles, should have been more vocal about the country’s economic situation and his plans to tackle it.Namal told ThePrint that he understands why people are angry, and supports their right to protest. However, he added that such anger is unproductive and could create a further crisis — especially as the protests could keep away tourists, who could help the Sri Lankan economy. (Th

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