A newly built first ever library ‘Ariyaloka’ to the benefit of pitiful disregarded valiant Ranaviru personnel.

A episode with a new concept within the Ranaviru setting, a new building for a modern library is to be opened to the contentment of disabled ‘Ranaviru” personnel, the “Ariyaloka”is to be declared opened in the morning of 30th of December under the distinguished patronage of several heads of Defense at the Sri Lanka Army Infantry premises (RFT unit) in Boossa Galle, as a laudable handing over.

Over a decade the services rendered by “Ariya Padama” to the nation are extensive and widespread.The handing over of the newly built library to the disregarded hapless Ranaviru personnel will go down in the annals of history as a maiden endeavor to disregarded Ranaviru, is to be highly hailed.

To date over twelve years have lapsed since ending the civil war, the crippled pitiful Ranaviru disabled soldiers spend a miserable time with a low morale,hence this library project would make them lift their mentality and spirit to a some extent is the firm belief of Raj Somadevan ,a member of the advisory committee of the “Ariya Padanama”,who is a renowned professor in archaeological science and sociology .

The war had killed 25874 military personnel while 27879 valiant service personal wounded ,made disabled are housed in a number of army camps while many are in RFT camps,also in homes .To many of them through the direct intervention of “Ariya Padanama” numerous programs like educational,psychology , welfare, positive thinking and various other programs are conducted purely to get them motivated and to get out of their monotonous lives
One of the principal expectations of the “Ariyaloka” library design objective is principally to achieve mental disposition, understanding life and to maintain the same level of welfare as while the war was in progress, national security which are all performed without any financial assistance from a foreign country also not as of a NGO. It is certain that in time to come more good of the “Ariya Padanama” would be heard.

The intention of “Ariya Padanama” is to have a post war history preserved for posterity. For all along the past thirteen years the looking after of the hapless yet brave service personnel have been continued without a pause to uplift the morals which are at low ebb . The “Ariya Padanama” had been subjected to criticism but continued to perform a yeomen service silently. The service rendered by “Ariya” has already been written and it is a foregone conclusion. The service has been known to many across the world particularly in Indian Buddhist circles. It is hoped to partner the Indian Buddhist to offer a widespread service.

The Chairman of the “Ariya Padanama” Deshamanya Charith Kiriella at the helm with his immense experience as a renowned media personnel having abundance of talent and knowhow in creative and literary fields as done previously would strive with the able staff to safeguard the history and archeology. It is also the prime motive of the “Padanama”to guide the younger generation in the correct path particularly through the Buddhist vision.

Shyamendra Wickremarachchi

Executive Secretary -Ariya Padanama……

Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane .translated the Sinhalese version to English

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