20 Lankans repatriated after trafficking ordeal in Myanmar

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) – UN Migration, in the early hours of 06 September 2024, facilitated the safe and voluntary return of twenty (20) Sri Lankan migrants who were trafficked for forced criminal activities in cyber scamming compounds in Myanmar.

These Sri Lankan migrants were coerced into various cyber scamming activities under the pretext of legitimate job offers in the IT sector and other customer service roles. Upon their rescue from Myanmar, the Sri Lankan Embassy in Thailand facilitated their movement to shelters operated by the Government of Thailand. IOM provided the required immediate assistance throughout the process.

Remarking on the repatriation effort, Ms. Kristin Parco, Chief of Mission for IOM Sri Lanka and the Maldives stated: “IOM continues to advocate for a holistic and coordinated approach to combating trafficking in persons. Human trafficking is not an endeavor that can be mitigated by a single institution or an organization. It requires a multi-pronged approach involving public awareness, government capacity building, and the timely dissemination of accurate and reliable information.”

A team from IOM Sri Lanka arrived in Thailand to assess the protection needs of the 20 survivors in coordination with IOM Thailand and facilitated the smooth repatriation of the survivors. IOM’s assistance to the survivors included temporary accommodation, meals and other immediate support in Thailand, facilitating their safe and dignified departure and voluntary return to Sri Lanka, and providing air tickets & onward transportation to their hometowns in Sri Lanka.

IOM Sri Lanka closely coordinated all repatriation arrangements with the Government of Sri Lanka and aims to provide sustainable reintegration assistance to all survivors of trafficking upon their return to Sri Lanka.

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Myanmar has also been consistently bringing to the notice of Burmese authorities the dire situation of Sri Lankan victims enslaved in cybercriminal activities orchestrated by traffickers, urging authorities to take immediate action to rescue the victims from such distressing circumstances.

Ms. Minoli Don, Head of Protection Unit, IOM Sri Lanka took the opportunity to thank all entities that facilitated this unimpeded repatriation effort, “IOM Sri Lanka takes this opportunity to extend its appreciation to the Government of Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sri Lanka and its Diplomatic Missions in Thailand and Myanmar, the National Anti-Human Trafficking Taskforce led by the Ministry of Defence – Sri Lanka, and IOM Thailand in ensuring the smooth return process. IOM remains committed to working closely with all partners to promote safe, orderly and regular migration for the benefit for all.”

Around 50 Sri Lankan youth were being held against their will at a Cyber Crimes camp by an armed group in Myanmar, and earlier eight of them were rescued and returned to the country.

Another 33 Sri Lankan youth continue to remain in the Myawaddy region in Myanmar at Cyber Crimes camps.

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