Court extends interim order preventing PAYE tax on judges


The Court of Appeal has extended the interim order preventing the imposing of the PAYE tax on the salaries of judges till the relevant petition is supported.

The order was issued when the case was taken up earlier today (09 Feb.), before a three-judge bench, comprising of Judges Dhammika Ganepola, Neil Iddawela and its Chair Sobhitha Rajakaruna.

Meanwhile, a motion filed by the petitioners requesting that the case be heard before the full Court of Appeal bench is due to be considered before the President of the Court of Appeal on 21 February.

An interim order was issued by the Court of Appeal on  25 January, preventing the Inland Revenue Department (IRD)  from collecting PAYE taxes from judges following the consideration of a petition filed by an association of Sri Lanka’s District Judges and Magistrates’.

The order was issued by the Appellate Court Bench, comprising of Judges Sobhitha Rajakaruna and Dhammika Ganepola.

The association filed the petition on the grounds that deducting such a tax from the salaries of judges is not ‘appropriate’, and is against the constitutional law, and have named the Chief Accountant and the Secretary to the Ministry of Justice as respondents.

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