Death toll from Covid 19 was 15 yesterday which is remarkable news

 To keep death rate low cum to control Covid 19 in check refrain from  gathering, protests, demos to control COVID 19

Public Health Inspectors’ Association President Upul Rohana yesterday said all efforts taken by the Health sector in coordination with security apparatus will be futile , if large scale gatherings, protests are organized in the country without following COVID- 19 health protocols.

He said that the whole country will be in danger once more if the health protocols are not adhered to. if large scale congregation of people takes place without following due health measures. It has been predicted that most demonstrations seems to have been instigated by the politicians to gain popularity. It is learned that  irresponsible behaviour of the public has led to the soaring number of COVID-19 positive cases in the country again, what was conveyed by the PHI Chief.

It is time that the  Union leaders or politicians to take the responsibility of deaths caused by their short-sighted actions?,The PHI chief. Rohana said that these politicians would place the  blame on the Health Sector and the Government when the country witnesses another phase of Covid 19.

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