Minister of Health Ramesh Pathirane has issued new directives to Health Sector officials on the purchase of medicines.
Instructions have been issued to bring only registered medicines into Sri Lanka and in the event of no registered medicines, to check the necessary data on the said drugs and purchase them with the approval of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA).
The directive was issued to officials from the NMRA, State Pharmaceuticals Corporation, State Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corporation, and Institutes of Medical Supply Division during a discussion with senior officials of the Ministry of Health today (Nov 01).
Health Minister Ramesh Pathirane warned that if someone acts outside of the above system, necessary measures will be taken against them.
Officials were informed to suspend the purchase of drugs under emergency purchases and to arrange for the delivery of drugs that are in short supply as soon as possible through the prescribed method.
The Minister of Health further informed the relevant officials to pay attention to the essential drugs used for cancer, kidney diseases, etc., to maintain these drugs without shortage, and to constantly pay attention to all necessary drugs.