Dr Ravindra Randeniya autographed eminent iconic actor conquered silver screen for over five decades

Boniface Liyanage Walter Perera now Dr Ravindra Randeniya born on 5th June 1945 second in a family of six siblings, hailed initially from Sapugaskanda his maternal home close to Dalugama where he now residing in. It was a small village filled with paddy fields and watercourses, Ravindra who appreciated highly even to date, with nature growing up often preferring in looking over the flora and habitat. Father LP Perera a renowned businessman who manufactured hardware fittings,accessories like brass hinges for doors and windows, a booming lucrative business entity. Ravindra Randeniya was recently awarded a doctorate considering his immense contribution to the field of arts and cinema in Sri Lanka by the Chancellor of the Visual and Performing Arts University.

For education had initially attended the Kindergarten at St Francis Maha Vidyalaya in Dalugama, then had studied at St Benedict’s College, Kotahena up to advanced level then had studied at Aquinas for university entrance in science subjects, though has had no clear intention of entering a university.In college ke was just three months elder to Vjaya Kumaratunga both called each other ‘Malli’. So many other than this duo, many famous old Benedictines had been stalwarts in art and films, like Nayagam, producer of ‘Kada Vunu Poronduwa’, Shesha Palihakkara,Premanath Morias, Sunil Shantha, Roy Handapangoda, Elson Diritotawela,Robin Fernando etc.His school, St Benedict’s College relatively has produced more film stars and film related personalities, than most other schools in the annals of our cinematic history. Vijaya Kumaratunga had been in parallel classes throughout but had been close pals meeting daily during intervals. In College Vijaya had been an excellent orator in literal activities having won awards in school while Ravindra had been the ‘vocalist’ in school. After leaving school there had been a ‘silence’ for some time until the duo met in films.

In a media discussion Ravindra had made a special mention of Wilfred Perera in the tutorial staff in College a very kind teacher who never used a cane to punish, had been a very modest individual small made in stature who wore a white trouser and white shirt, sometimes wore slippers .Every ten to fifteen minutes whilst teaching he used to come out with a hysterical story to keep the students energized which was a hall mark of his remarkable style of teaching. He was incidentally the brother of famous comedy actor, director and producer of films legendary Anthony C Perera. It is testified that his brother had influenced the duo Ravindra and Vijaya to enter the cinema to some extent. Ravindra was very studious in College gave priority to studies over art but acted as “Kashyapa” in school play “Sigiri Kashyapa” also excelled in writing short stories,won first prize at a short story competition organized by the College Literary society in 1962.Both Ravindra and Vijaya were introduced to art , literature and to actor Anthony C Perera by teacher Wilfred Perera. Gave priority to studies over art acted as “Kashyapa” in school play “Sigiri Kashyapa” also excelled in writing short stories, winning the first prize at a short story competition organized by the College Literary society in 1962.Both Ravindra and Vijaya were introduced to art and literature by teacher Wilfred Perera which is remembered with deep sense of highest gratitude.

Ravindra presently lives in his own dwelling In Dalugama Kelaniya.He likes ‘environment’ just like his passion for acting. Around the dwelling are many tall trees all implanted by Ravindra hlmself. His dwelling had been designed by him, though the architect had performed his role in the construction drawings and planning. In every area in the dwelling and rooms has openings for sunlight. There is a small verandah when one sits the view beyond is identical to as sitting in an entirely different location perhaps in a village.

Ravindra when young was passionate to read had extensively read books on Siri Gunasinghe, Martin Wickremasinghe, Kumaratunga Munidasa,Edirweera Sarathchandra Gunadasa Amarasekera.By the time Ravindra was in fifth standard he had read all these books sans ‘Viragaya’ by Martin Wickremasinghe which was published latterly. All these books are preserved even to date for posterity. A cousin sister observing him reading had cautioned his mother that he is reading books not appropriate for his age.He believes it is his reading habits that changed his life which has elevated his posture in life.Even to date he has whispered he cannot sleep without reading even an old piece of newspaper .When he was in the sophisticated classes had been addicted to our stage art which had been at a high elevation. In the decade of the sixties, it was the stage plays which Ravindra superseded films for his passion. Had gone to view all stage plays during weekends at the Lumbini theatre.In this setting Ravindra had joined the Lionel Wendt art Centre when it was initially established to learn art in reference to a advertisement in the newspapers with an entrance fee of Rs 10/- under the leadership of Dr Ediriweera Sarathchandra with teachers like Dhamma Jagoda, Gunasena Galappatthy Henry Jayasena, Sugathapala Silva all legends in art which Ravindra had pondered as his life changing event.

After Ravindra’s tenure in the Advanced level class at the Aquinas College,has had no intention to enter any university, it was at this time he had opted to join his elder brother, Callistus in father’s lucrative hardware related business. Ravindra before he commenced the three-year grueling art study course at the Lionel Wendt had opened his own office to grip the administration, imports and exports work of his father’s business in Maradana.But he had thought he cannot cope with both had decided to follow the strenuous course at the Lionel Wendt which was his ominous passion. He had opted to follow the art course to fulfil his dream of becoming an actor. He had palmed the work in the new office commenced to assist in the hardware business entrusting it to his next younger brother Amal sacrificing his lucrative life.The parents duo too had consented to Ravindra’s verdict as he was an animated child at home, a bit uncontrollable.

In addition to the knowledgeable, competent training personnel, it was Irangani Serasinghe who thought ‘voice training’, how to speak on stage “the realistic pronunciation’. Ravindra had wanted to learn not acting but about stage decoration, script writing , drama direction. But there were times when all students had to perform together in a common class for one hour. Having observed Ravindra’s talents had focused on him more than on others selecting him to portray different types of acts while rehearsing by Dhamma Jagoda. At the age of twenty five years was selected to act in Dhamma Jagoda’s ‘Muhudu Puththu’ to portray a core role. By watching his mature portrayal many directors ,producers of stage plays and films had approached him.

The name change to Ravindra Randeniya was finalized by the film personalities, while following the course at the Lionel Wendt. Manik Sandrasagara the director of the film ‘Kalu Diya Dhara” had seen him portraying roles on stage play” Muhudu Puththu” had wanted him to portray a role in his film “Kalu Diya Dhara”,he had interrogated Ravindra’s colleagues whether he was the person who had acted in many box office Robin Tampoe films where one Boniface Fernando who had been in the limelight portraying lead roles. Manik Sandrasekera wanted to evade from future confusions in regard to the familiar name ‘Boniface”.It was he who had made the name change to Ravindra Randeni later Dr Ediriweera Sarathchandra had made it Randeniya as it sounded better. This was the beginning of his illustrious career as Ravindra Randeniya having played lead roles opposite all illustrious actresses like Iranganie Serasinghe,Suwaneetha Weerasinghe, Malini Fonseka,Anula Karunatilleke Veena Jayakody,Swarna Mallawarachchi,Neeta Fernando,Anoja Weerasinghe, Geetha Kumarasinghe.Sriyani Amarasena etc and lately with young Analkali Akarsha.Ravindra in a television interview had added that though he had performed very closely in loving scenes had restricted himself to the portrayal of such roles only but not had any intimacy beyond those scenes.

Ravindra has multiple talents had stated he loves singing more than acting possess a proven record In singing in many television channels , Ridee Rekha , Derana stars , musical concerts etc., meticulously. Ravindra sings like a professional in all such events. Earlier on in his career he hosted a quiz program on ITN channel “Mind Star” showcasing his talent as a television host.Ravindra is also a superb orator one of the most intelligent perhaps like Gamini Fonseka who could speak sense.He is often invited to address audiences in the English vernacular too.He is obvious invitee to speak at film corporation gatherings over many years.

For Lester James Peiris’ film “Desa Nisa” Ravindra was an automatic choice was invited, when at a time none of his films had been screened. Then was elected to perform roles in a series of Lester films Ran Salu,Delowak Athara Gamperaliya which had been a huge blessing and motivation for Ravindra. He too had seen him portray his role in ‘Muhudu Puththu’ had given one of the main roles. Joe Abeywickrema also had recommended to Lester saying ‘Onna Kena’.Ravindra having met at the Lionel Wendt arts theatre, social centre had recommended him knowing him intimately. In the film only Ravindra had met his future wife, Preethi.Before portraying his role he had gone all the way to Galgamuwa to see shooting as he needed to get a glimpse of Lester’s direction approaches. After Preethi’s roles only Ravindra was to portray his roles. There he had added that nothing happened other than saying hello only to her.But in the next film Tharanga the duo had developed the love affair which ended in a rather swift marriage. She is Preethi Premila Seneviratne a poet cum author married Ravindra on 31st October 1974 very much earlier Ravindra came to fame.

Ravindra’s debut film” Kalu Diya Dhara’,the epoch making film considered “a breakpoint” in the annals of our silver screen, screened in year 1974 when Ravindra was already married. The theme of this film, filmed in year 1971 dealt in the struggle between workers and it’s administration. Ravindra emphasized his debut film was a ‘baptism’ with fire,shooting in cold Haputale uninterruptedly for fifteen nights, a different experience altogether, which was controversial too experiencing ‘ lip kissing ‘ scene as an initial illustration. In Ravindra’s well over hundred films it had not been horizontal sailing at all but has had nasty experiences while shooting was in progress. Ravindra reminisces a nasty incident in film ‘Saradiel’ when he got shot in the back accidently , a touch and go occurrence when a bullet had pierced not damaging his lungs still not been given immediate first aid. He recalls incidents with several close calls when performing stunts which he had stated could be performed only by the skilled. Ravindra when executing aerobatics never used ‘dummies. He reminisced jumping from the top of Kalutara bridge into the water,then going twenty feet deep into the Kalu Ganga in film “Bamabarapetikke”. In the film “Siripala and Ranmenika” he had to jump off from the top of moving train to the ground not carpeted, then rolling on along the ground. This action had to be repeated three times as the cameraman insisted to televise at diverse angles. Then in film ‘ Veera Puran Appu” Ravindra recalls tough portrayal actions which could have been made only by strong physically built personnel. Ravindra emphasized that this is the irony any actor faces as definitely there were elements of uncertainties while performing stunts as there are always obvious risks which could jeopardize anyone’s career.Ravindra had added that he was very lucky for evading serious injuries throughout his acting career which certainly may have jeopardized his career.Ravindra had emphasized that one has to complete the role undertaken though it may contain agitations . The most difficult character portrayed was added as the character of “Sampath Hamu” in film ‘Siri Medura’ a paralyzed man confined to a wheelchair after an accident which won him the best actor award too.

Malini Fonseka had been living in the vicinity of Ravindra’s dwelling but not met before entering the cinema but had seen after her blistering portrayal in film ‘Akalwessa” coming back after school Gurukula Vidyalaya in uniform still looking a peach.Ravindra reminisced an incident when Malini Raindra duo was cast for the first time in Sugathapala de Silva’s film in his Lionel Wendt tenure which had never taken off the blocks.Later when Malini was questioned any actor in mind who you love to act with, had uttered that the tall handsome ‘ burgher’ boy referring to Ravindra.It is strange coincidence that despite such a vast knowledge in acting and film technology Ravindra had never directed, distributed or produced a film.Ravindra lamented that even a chairman of the film corporation is wretched as the Act of Parliament no 47 of 1971 enacted had not been strictly implemented, unfortunately had fallen on deaf ears. As the Presidential Advisor appointed from the National list had insisted the above policy be implemented, but all his attempts had proved futile.

Ravindra had acted in 115 films including 14 foreign collaborations winning 3 Presidential awards,7 Sarasavi awards in 1984/1985/1989/1990 also other awards like Raigam Tele’s,Sumathi,Signis.OCIC etc. One such award was the ‘one time lifetime achievement Rana Thisara award’ also awarded at a Sarasaviya film festival in year 2018.Ravindra was also awarded the best actor ‘recognition’ at Sarasaviya awards ceremony for his bizarre role in ‘Sirimedura’ of Parakrama Niriella’s film, when no name was nominated. He portrayed the grimmest role of a ‘totally crippled’ walking destitute with clutches, one who could not speak, when he could only sit at 90 degrees with one hand. Once Ravindra had bought car while still as a school boy from Chitra Balasuriya living in Bellantara area, who had taken him to witness a Sarasaviya film festival at the Regal Theatre which was a spectacle with decorated surrounding with a massive distinguished audience .After which Gamini Fonseka had thrown a party for celebrating winning the best director, best actor awards for the film .Dharmasena Hemapala had won the best art director at that awards ceremony also for ‘Parasathumal’. Ravindra after attending to Gamini Fonseka’s party had given Dharmasena Hemapala a lift to his home in Dalugama to stay the night .He had travelled to Veyangoda the following morning. His Sarasaviya award had remained at his dwelling for the entire night. But on that day Ravindra in his wildest dreams would have never thought that so many Sarasaviya awards would come to stay permanently in his dwelling in the ensuing years. Ravindra had portrayed roles in entertaining films Kalyani Ganga,Tharanga ,Duhulu Malak,Hariyata Hari ,Ganga, Siripala Saha Ranmenika,Yakadaya, Pembara Madu,Ekthen Ge,Seethadevi,Higana Kolla ,Chuda Manikkaya,Podi Malli etc.are which comes to minds of fans.

For Ravindra whether a main role, a villain’s or another character role was not of a concern had accepted through his acting prowess to portray any given protagonist to perfection. However when he was offered the Wasantha Obeysekera’s script for Dadayama he was puzzled, having read the script several times before giving word.One day had attended a function with Vijaya Kumaratunga on his way to drop him at Rosmead Place was used to talk for a few minutes before alighting from the car off was used to chat for a few minutes.He had told about the script Vijaya Kumaratunga had told Vasantha will not do a bad thing, hence you better agree at which time Ravindra too had decided. But to Ravindra it was an wicked charisma never seen even in a foreign film. It was not only assassinating the main actress. a pregnant wife but to drive over her body several times 70mph. This villain role after portraying many types of roles previously Ravindra had stated that he had the nerve to consent to such a role.After this film was screened several producers and directors had blamed him for portraying that wicked role as for their films would be a huge disadvantage as audiences will think twice as Ravindra had portrayed that immortal role.In ‘Dadayama’ Ravindra retaliated in a deep voice to a nasty comment of Swarna Mallawarachchi “ Kawda oya Balla”.This is ample proof of his violent reactions in his dialogues, varying his tone for diverse characters offered.
A question that is frequently asked from Ravi is why he has not directed a film having an enormous knowledge with immense technical knowledge too.The answer was though he has had been contemplating , his entry to politics as a member of parliament from the national list had prevented him in that endeavour.From the national list he was elected as recommended by many film personalities, but at the end Ravindra said he could not do any benefit to the film industry or to any artiste.Ravindra also has had to sacrifice his film career for four long years in the early decade of 2000.Ravindra had to pay out of his pocket for the secretary and driver as the salaries given by the government was just paltry. The government has no policy on development of the cinema only thing he could say was he was a Member of Parliament.
Ravindra lamented that even as a chairman of the film corporation is valueless as the Act of Parliament no 47 of 1971 enacted had not been strictly implemented, the Act unfortunately had fallen on deaf ears. As the Presidential Advisor appointed from the National list had insisted the above policy be implemented, but his attempts had proved futile.Ravindra hd stated that he not earned a red cent during his four year tenure, had summarized as a waste of time.But staying away from his acting vocation had cost him a massive loss monetarily.

Though many wanted Ravindra to continue he had taken a wise decision to leave politics .Ravindra was always an unassuming person wanted to behave like a normal human being leaving his acting at the shooting venues when he returned home. Does marketing like any other normal person even when even he was at the peak. Also never wanted to highlight as a ‘star’, led a simple life wearing a T-shirt when visiting market but for functions he very particular about his attire to be dressed immaculately.

When Ravindra was at peak the children were small, it was grim to go on holidays to reputed places as fans would flock recognizing him which was sure to spoil his holiday. What the family did was to visit a wildlife sanctuary booking a bungalow with another known family which was a relaxation to Preethi too, which all children too enjoyed. Ravindra likes to be isolated near a village lake for a few hours which brings to him an immense happiness. He loves to visit places with nature, birds, flora, streams to have the real effect of a village. Ravindra had reminisced his young days neighborhood, where brought up in Sapugaskande in mother’s native home located resembling a typical village with streams, lakes etc., in a pleasing habitat which was close to Dalugama.

The duo is blessed with three children two sons Nirmal Sachindra, Sameera Manabarana and a daughter Umayangana Indrachapa. Sons are living overseas in Sweden and Australia .educated in England, married with children having post graduate qualifications too, doing highly respectable jobs. The duo had never been guided, all studies initiated and followed by themselves, even their marriages. Only regret for Ravindra is missing the grandchildren. Ravindra claims the grandchildren , two grandsons and one granddaughter are attached to the grandparents. Daughter lives with the duo, whenever time allocates Ravindra, Preethi and Daughter visit the sons living overseas.

Ravi is happy about the talents of the younger generation whom he meets at shooting had lamented the lack of good scripts and competent directors is the only flaw in the industry proceeding forwards. He suggests the directors to uplift the standards of the current cinema though from the technology aspects there are no flaws.However he is ever willing to lend a hand and assist anyone with his immense knowledge in the field.

One of the utmost universal abilities of rewarding professional waged actors is that they play well with others and they’re able to make authentic acquaintances with everyone on set. They’re truly good people, passionate, purpose-driven, and dedicated sans ego. They always handle themselves with grace and dignity , they dare to bring their personalities to every protagonist delegated. One such inimitable actor who had vanquished silver screen so highly to unprecedented elevations with consummate extravagance for over five decades is celebrated actor Dr Ravindra Randeniya.All his fans would wish him good health and longevity to continue in the same vein to underwrite to our arts as in the past

Sunil Thenabadu e mail sthenabadu@hotmail.com WhatsApp 0061444533242

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