Johnston barred from traveling overseas
The Colombo High Court issued a travel ban on Former Minister Johnston Fernando and two others who were indicted in a bribery case.

They are barred from traveling overseas until the conclusion of the trial.

The trio is charged with committing an unlawful loss to the government by employing the workers of Sathosa for election work in 2013.

Colombo High Court Judge Nawaratne Marasinghe also ordered for the accused to be released on a cash bail of Rs. 50,000/- each, and two personal bails of Rs. 1 Million each per accused.

Former Minister Johnston Fernando, Former Sathosa Chairman Eraj Fernando, and Former Sathosa Director Raj Mohideen Mohammad Sakeer were ordered to surrender their passports to the court and were also ordered to submit their fingerprints as well.

The accused were also ordered by the Court to report to the Investigations Unit of the Bribery Commission between 9 & 12 on the final Sunday of every month.

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