WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app, has just released a new feature that’s sure to make video calls even more convenient. The new “Switch Camera” mode allows users to easily switch between the front and back cameras while on a video call. This feature is now available for both iOS and Android devices and can be accessed by tapping on the camera icon during a video call
The ability to switch between cameras during a video call is a feature that has been requested by users for quite some time. WhatsApp has listened to its users and has now made it possible to switch between cameras with just a single tap. This new feature is a game-changer for those who frequently use video calls for work or personal use. Whether you’re conducting a business meeting or catching up with friends and family, the Switch Camera mode feature will make the video call experience much more seamless.
The Switch Camera mode feature is easy to use. During a video call, simply tap on the camera icon to switch between the front and back cameras. This allows you to change the view of the video call, giving you the flexibility to show your surroundings or switch to a more appropriate background. Additionally, you can also use the front-facing camera to switch to a selfie mode during a video call.
This new feature also makes it easier to take photos or videos during a video call. Whether you’re on a call with your friends or colleagues, you can now easily switch to the back camera and take a photo or video of what you’re seeing. This is especially useful for capturing special moments or for those who are in the creative field and need to take pictures or videos during a call. (ET)