Mirihana Police bust racket targeting Gay men

Three suspects have been arrested for having targeted Gay men and financially defrauding them by threatening to expose their explicit photos and videos on social media.

According to the Police, the group had promised to introduce the victims to other Gay men and had invited them to a house in the Beddagana area in Pitta Kote to carry out their ransom activities.

Police investigations reveal a 39-year-old man from Bandarawela, employed at a store in Nugegoda, had come into contact with the suspects via a mobile application to connect with Gay men.

The suspects had invited the victim over to the house in Pitta Kote where they had assaulted him, stripped him and taken explicit videos and photos. They had threatened to share it on social media if the victim failed to pay a ransom of Rs. 100,000.

The victim had filed a complaint with the Mirihana Police, after which the Police instructed the victim to inform the suspects to arrive at the Pitta Kotte junction to obtain the cash.

The suspects were apprehended as they arrived at the Pitta Kotte Junction, while inspection of their mobile phones showed explicit videos and photos of six other victims from whom they had sought ransom.

The Police had also seized stocks of ICE and heroin from the possession of the suspects, who are aged between 41 and 59 years

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