Our country has become hell – Vasu 

Former Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara said that it is heartbreaking for him to watch this country become a hell.

Addressing parliament today (07), he said,

“Today traders sell their products at whatever price they please. How did they get this power? Who gave them this power? Today all businessmen at all levels are earning profits in unscrupulous ways and consumers have fallen prey to them. The government can’t do anything about it because of the conflicting views. Why don’t they get fuel from Russia which is 35% lesser? India, Singapore and Thailand are purchasing fuel from Russia at 35% lesser than the market value.  The reason we won’t get fuel from Russia is because America would get offended. All this is because of the conflicting views. We shouldn’t worry about these various views if we are getting fuel at lesser rates. Today, we are purchasing fuel from the dollar zones and we have even forfeited the long-term credit facility offered by Russia. As far as I know the Russian Ambassador had sent a letter to the Power and Energy Minister’s Ministry. I wonder of the minister saw this letter.”

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